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زراعت ڪيميائي

  • ڪاريگر سٺو قيمت برفاني ايٽيڪ ايسڊ سيڊ: 64-19-7

    ڪاريگر سٺو قيمت برفاني ايٽيڪ ايسڊ سيڊ: 64-19-7

    Acetic acid is a colourless liquid or crystal with a sour, vinegar-like odour and is one of the simplest carboxylic acids and is an extensively used chemical reagent. Acetic acid has wide application as a laboratory reagent, in the production of cellulose acetate mainly for photographic film and polyvinyl acetate for wood glue, synthetic fibres, and fabric materials. کاڌي جي صنعتن ۾ ايڪٽيڪ ايسڊ پڻ وڏي استعمال ۽ تيزابيت ريگيوليٽرز ۾ وڏي استعمال جو آهي.

    CAS: 64-19-7